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The sake sets that I create have more to do with the navigation and nesting of multiple forms than with the actual consumption of sake. I am scandinavian after all. Regardless, they are always functional, and encourage community and camaraderie. I consider them 'ritual' forms more than every-day forms, and they transition beautifully from pedestal to table.
The sake sets that I create have more to do with the navigation and nesting of multiple forms than with the actual consumption of sake. I am scandinavian after all. Regardless, they are always functional, and encourage community and camaraderie. I consider them 'ritual' forms more than every-day forms, and they transition beautifully from pedestal to table.
Gunmetal Sake
Highway Sake
Dutch Sake
Sake Bullets
Platform Sake
Shino Schooner Sake
Shino Schooner Sake (angle)
Shino Schooner Sake - detail
Charcoal and Oil Sake - Front
Charcoal and Oil Sake - Back
Backdrop Sake
Backdrop Sake - angle
Crackle and Slate Sake
Crackle and Slate - angle
Perforated Pilars
Perforated Pillars - detail